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Differences Wordpress.com to Wordpress.org

Differences Wordpress.com to Wordpress.org - Often the beginner in the field of the blog was a little confused about the term wordpress.com to wordpress.org. Therefore, let us consider to be not confusing. Here is the difference between wordpress.com to wordpress.org.

WordPress.com is a free blog providers, and called flatform used blogs with WordPress. In my wordpress.com and you all can create a blog for free. We can make a blog without having to incur the cost, without having to have a domain name or hosting everything is guaranteed to be free.

Differences Wordpress.com to Wordpress.org

WordPress.org is a provider flatform wordpress blog. You can download the software for free and use wordpress for your blog or website ours. Here, either the domain or hosting totally financed by us. Using wordpress.org software is often referred to wordpress self hosting or wordpress hosting.

From the brief description above, there may be found mending a blog on wordpress.com because everything is provided free of charge. Comments like that may be true, but not entirely true. Create a blog on wordpress.com is completely free, but many limitations compared with the wordpress hosting.
Here are some limitations to create a blog at wordpress.com.

Excess Wordpress.com
To create a blog at wordpress.com do not need to bother to install wordpress software, you simply sign up and create your blog in accordance with the steps that have been set by wordpress.com
If you create a blog at wordpress.com then no need to buy a domain name for your blog, because it will automatically use a subdomain of wordpress.com. Examples of the use wordpress.com blog address: amen24.wordpress.com. However, if one day you want to change the address with a domain name that you have, you can do it, and the term is known as domain mapping. In addition, you also do not need to think about hosting, because again these are free.

Lack Wordpress.com
Can not install Plugin. In many circumstances, we often need a plugin that has a specific function to meet the needs, but it can not be done on wordpress.com, you can only use the functions already provided it.
Can not install theme / theme. Sometimes the blog is important as an illustration the owner, you are only allowed at wordpress.com choose a theme that has been provided. If you want to use your own theme, you have to upgrade and pay a fee.

Javascrip function in disabled. On several occasions, sometimes we need to put javascript function in our blog widgets are scattered on the internet, but at wordpress.com can not be done because it has been disabled. If you include the javascript function script will not run in accordance with its function.
Bound by the rules wordpress.com. Free does not mean free to do anything, but you have to obey the rules that have been set by the wordpress. If you will be in violation of existing rules, then get ready your blog will be closed by the wordpress.com.

Lacking in trust. In some circumstances, say a blog to sell, generally blog using their own domain and hosting more trusted by potential buyers than using the free.

Excess Wordpress.org (Wordpress hosting)
Can install the free plugin.
Can install theme / theme freely.
Javascript function normally.
Not bound by rules wordpress.com. Although your blog using the wordpress software, but your blog has nothing to do with wordpress.com, that you are not bound by the rules of wordpress.com. However, you are certainly bound by regulations which hosting company you rent hosting.
More in trust.

Lack Wordpress.org
Must install wordpress software itself. All done by you, therefore necessary knowledge about wordpress installation.
Should mengeluakan cost of buying a domain and hosting (although of course there is also a free domain and hosting are scattered on the internet).

From my experience it is more flexible wordpress.org you can create a great website wordpress.org, but you need hosting, and domain itself. If you just want possessed personal blog I suggest you choose wordpress.com because it does not need hosting, and domain. Domain and hosting is provided by the Admin wordpress like blogspot.
Andi Hasbi Jaya
Andi Hasbi Jaya Adalah seorang blogger sekaligus Konten Creator dengan latar belakang ilmu kependidikan yang menekuni bisnis internet sejak tahun 2008 dan sesekali menulis di beberapa blog miliknya, dan konsisten mengembangkan Channel Youtube pribadinya.

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