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A Brief History of My Life Journey

Brief History of My Life Journey on this occasion will tell the history hasbi personal journey from my childhood until now and about my personal data can be read in my previous posts on here. while for personal life story blog author Hasbi following his review

Andi Hasbi Jaya Born into a peasant family, in students and raised by two loving parents.
History of Education
  1. Elementary (Elementary School): SDN 189 Barugae School End of 1996
  2. Junior (First Medium Schools): SMPN 1 Tanete Graduate School, 1999
  3. SMU (Medium Public School): SMU 1 Bulukumpa Graduate School of the Year 2002
  4. PTN (University Affairs) UNM Makassar 2005
Employment History
After I completed my education to obtain a bachelor's degree, I became unemployed or do not have a steady job. But I remain steadfast to live, like I said from the beginning that I was born into a peasant family automatically graduation I returned to my hometown to help my parents work in the fields.
But eventually I was bored with the work of farmers, not that I do not like the job, but it was not for me.
I am a scholar so I at least have to work in line with the title of which I get at school.
This is where I was inspired to become a more useful at least I can be useful for me and my family, of course, can be beneficial to other State and Nation
Well Here some job I ever live:
  • Salesman at one company in the field of health
  • Ever so TKI (Indonesian Workers)
  • Opening Counter Sales Toll Phones
  • Teaching voluntary labor in one of the elementary schools
And Ahamdullilah with hard work until now I've been a civil servant who devoted himself taught at Small School as Teacher's Lesson from the Year 2009 to Now


That little offerings Hasbi Personal Blog About A journey of life. Until I Say Alhamdulillah gratitude to God Almighty to this day I try to support a family of work in the Real World Demands and Virtual Worlds. Thank you for your visit was.
Andi Hasbi Jaya
Andi Hasbi Jaya Adalah seorang blogger sekaligus Konten Creator dengan latar belakang ilmu kependidikan yang menekuni bisnis internet sejak tahun 2008 dan sesekali menulis di beberapa blog miliknya, dan konsisten mengembangkan Channel Youtube pribadinya "HasbiTubeHD". saat ini ia tinggal di Makassar, menjalani hidup yang indah sebagai Ayah untuk 3 orang anak dan suami untuk seorang bidadari.

2 comments for "A Brief History of My Life Journey"

  1. maaf saya berklomentar menggunakan bahasa indonesia karena saya tidak bisa berbahasa inggris.

    Saya salut dengan saudara punya gelar sarjana dan sekarang pekerjaan sebagai guru. saya sendiri tidak pernah melewati masa kuliah karena hanya dasar SMA, itu pendidikan terakhier yang saya miliki, namun saya masih tetap merasa bangga memiliki sahabat seperti saudara. punya niat dan kerja kerasnya sehingga sekarang mendapat pekerjaan tetap.

    Terima kasih telah menulis sejarah singkat perjalanan hidupnya sob. akhirnya dengan informasi ini saya bisa lebih mengenal dekat siapa sebenarnya anda hehehe.


    1. Sepertinya nya anda masih kelihatan muda bukankah menuntut pendidikan itu tidak mengenal usia. saya pun merasa bangga dengan anda tidak semua anak muda dapat mempunyai karir seperti anda mampu mempersembahkan yang terbaik di dunia maya. Terima kasih telah berkunjung. :D


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